Giving staff access to tickets

Giving staff access to tickets is relatively simple. It only takes a couple of minutes. Procedure:

1) After successfully redeeming and setting up the bot, the bot should automatically create two new roles "staff-support" and "staff-manage". (if not please create theses, they need to be lowercase)

2) To allow staff members to access to tickets, grant them the "staff-support" role or the "staff-manage" role on your discord server and they should be able to access to tickets.


The staff-support role allows user's with the role to execute the following commands within a ticket:

-close | Closes the tickets

-add <user>  | Adds a user to a ticket

-remove <user> | Removes a user from a ticket

-status <category> | Changes the status of the ticket

-rename <name> | Renames the ticket

The staff-manage role allows user's with the role to execute the following commands within a ticket:

-close [time] | Closes the tickets

-add <user> | Adds a user to a ticket

-remove <user> | Removes a user from a ticket

-status <category> | Changes the status of the ticket

-rename <name> | Renames the ticket

-banlist | Lists the following users who are banned from making tickets

-tban <user> | bans a user from creating tickets

-tunban <user> | Unbans a user and lets them proceed to create tickets

You can also customize the commands from your TicketEM Panel, Check "How to customize messages and commands" on the Documentation for assistance in customizing the commands

Last updated